
April 21, 2023, 7 pm

No Country, Nowhere?

No Country, Nowhere?
Fleeing from Germany, Fleeing to Germany, 1933–1945 and Today

Book presentation, reading, discussion – in German
Part of the series "Writing on Exile"

Guests: Aleida Assmann (literary and cultural scholar), Harald Roth (editor of the collection), and Sajjad Jahan Fard (contributing author)
Moderation: Nadine Kreuzahler

From Aleida Assmann’s preface to the book:
“No Country, Nowhere? is a special kind of collection. In consists of shorter and longer texts that deal on the one hand with the chapter of exiles fleeing the Nazi regime in the years from 1933–1945 and refugee movement in the present after 2000 as a current and ongoing phenomenon. The book seeks to describe the flight stories from the perspective of those affected and thus to focus on their concrete experiences and emotions. With each text, the readers express how isolated and abandoned the refugees feel.”

The book was published in 2022 by Dietz Verlag, edited by Harald Roth; with contributions by Wolfgang Benz, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Gerald Knaus, Michael Brenner, Ilija Trojanow, Ingo Schulze, Markus M. Beeko, Farhad Alsilo, who survived IS terror as a 12-year-old, Fisseha Mebrahtu, 17-year-old schoolgirl Leen Alcheikh, Ukrainian journalist Aleksei Bobrovnikov, Mascha Kaléko, Joseph Roth, Stefanie Zweig, Georg Stefan Troller, Saul Friedländer, and others

Location: Fasanenstrasse 24, 10719 Berlin
The building is unfortunately not barrier-free.

Doors open an hour before the event which gives the chance to explore the house and its exhibits.

Friendly support by the association "Gegen Vergessen – für Demokratie"