

Publisher and responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV is:

Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin represented by:
Kai Drabe, Chairman of the Board
Fasanenstr. 24
10719 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 7673 3912 0
E-mail: info@exilmuseum.berlin
Website: www.stiftung-exilmuseum.berlin

The Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin is recognized as a non-profit foundation by the foundation supervisory authority of the State of Berlin since 2018.

Concept and editing
Cornelia Vossen, Sarah Blendin

Brian Currid

Dorothee Kaser;
sans serif (Ina Munzinger, Katrin Schmitt-Tegge)

Robert Weber

Picture credits:
All visualizations of the building design: © Dorte Mandrup, MIR

All photos without further information: © Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin

Photo Herta Müller: © Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin, Foto: Till Budde

Photos under "The Museum":

  • Herbert Sonnenfeld, The Sonderzug bound for Marseille leaves Berlin's Anhalter Bahnhof, Berlin 1. September 1936; Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Inv.-Nr. FOT 88/500/106/034, purchased with funds from Stiftung Deusche Klassenlotterie Berlin
  • Münchner Stadtmuseum, Sammlung Fotografie, archiv stefan moses

Video under "The Building":
©Louisiana Museum of Modern Art & Louisiana Channel, produced by Marc-Christoph Wagner & Simon Weye

All images under "Current News": if not © Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin, indicated in the respective entry.

Legal Information

As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages in accordance with § 7 Section 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG). The Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin makes every effort to ensure that the information provided on this website is correct and up-to-date. Nevertheless, errors and ambiguities cannot be completely excluded. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the Internet offer or the entire offer without separate announcement or to cease publication temporarily or permanently.

Copyright and personal rights
All texts, images and graphics on this website are protected by copyright and may not be used beyond personal information without prior permission from the Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin. Exceptions are the contents in the press area, which may only be used for press coverage.
Downloads and copies of this site are only permitted for private, non-commercial use.
Should you become aware of infringements of copyright or personal rights, please contact us:

Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin, represented by:
André Schmitz, Chairman of the Board of Management and
Kai Drabe, Deputy Chairman
Fasanenstr. 24
10719 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 7673 3912 0
E-mail: info@exilmuseum.berlin
Website: www.stiftung-exilmuseum.berlin

On the website linked sources are carefully selected. However, they are not continuously checked for their (still existing) legality.
Should you become aware of any violations of the law in the case of links, please contact the above-mentioned contact. Your request will then be checked and the corresponding link removed if necessary.

Data protection declaration

General information

a) Operator and object
Responsible for the collection, processing and use of your personal data within the meaning of the Federal Data Protection Act is the Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin, represented by:
André Schmitz, Chairman of the Management Board and Kai Drabe, Deputy Chairman,
Fasanenstr. 24
10719 Berlin
Contact person for your questions regarding data processing is Meike-Marie Thiele: meike-marie.thiele@exilmuseum.berlin

Overview: Purposes of data processing
No personal data is collected in the context of read-only use.

b) Your rights
With a few exceptions, you have the right to request information about your data stored by us at any time and, if necessary, the right to correct, block or delete data.

In the case of declarations of consent, they also have the right to revoke the consent.

If you object to the collection, processing or use of your data in accordance with this data protection declaration as a whole or for individual measures or if you wish to revoke your consent, you can send your objection or revocation by e-mail, fax or letter to the following contact data:

Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin
Fasanenstr. 24
10719 Berlin
Phone: 030 7673 3912 0
E-mail: meike-marie.thiele@exilmuseum.berlin

We will check your claim for the individual case and either provide you with the information or justify the refusal of the information in writing.

c) Supervisory authority
You have a right of appeal at the competent supervisory authority.

II. Transmission of online content

a) Purpose and data
Your browser typically sends the following information (as content of an HTTP request) for the purpose of transmitting the Web page you have called up:

  • Your IP address, i.e. a sequence of digits that identifies your current computer connection on the Internet,
  • the website you are visiting,
  • information on the browser and operating system you are using, and
  • Our site does not use cookies.

b) Legal basis
The aforementioned data categories are required for the transmission of the content you have called up and for optimising the presentation. This processing is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest in transmitting the contents to you upon your request.

c) Data transmission and access rights
Access rights are based on our respective internal authorization concept and the corresponding written order agreements with our service providers.

d) Storage time
The data will no longer be stored for this purpose after the transfer process has been completed.

Securing our technical systems

a) Purpose and data categories
In addition, the already

a) Purpose and data categories
In addition, the data categories already mentioned above are collected:

  • Your IP address, i.e. a sequence of digits that identifies your current computer connection on the Internet,
  • the website you are visiting,
  • information about the browser and operating system you are using, such as their name and version, and
  • if applicable, the page from which you came to us (so-called "referrer information").

b) Legal basis
This data is stored out of our legitimate interest in being able to carry out an analysis in the event of errors in and attacks on our technical systems.

c) Data transmission and authorised persons
Access rights are based on our respective internal authorization concept and the corresponding written order agreements with our service providers.

d) Storage time
Unless a security incident is detected, the data described will be deleted within seven days, otherwise as soon as there is no further legitimate interest in further storage.

e) Your rights
In principle, claims for information and corrections exist with regard to the aforementioned data categories. However, as a rule, the personal reference can primarily be established via the IP address. At the same time, we are obliged to ensure that information is only disclosed to persons actually entitled. Therefore, information must provide sufficient proof that the information relates to you.

IV Improvement of the online offer (through visit statistics)
Our site does not use any analysis services that check your usage behavior on our site.

Third party offers
a) Share function
Our site has no share functionality for social networks.

b) Integrated videos
An integrated video from the Vimeo portal is shown on our website. If these services are used, the collection and use of data is governed by the respective data protection guidelines.
In the following you find the references to the data security regulations of this service: vimeo.com/privacy

Comment functions
Our website has no comment function.

Other contacts
You can contact us by e-mail, fax, telephone, post or in person.
In this context, we store the content of your contact and your contact details in our data processing mostly on the basis of your consent or for the preparation and execution of a legal transaction with you, occasionally also on the basis of our legitimate interest in the processing.
The data is passed on if your request requires it and is either the result of the context or after consultation with you.
Unless there are any other storage obligations and there is no further legitimate interest on our part in the storage, we delete the data following the respective process.

Our newsletter is sent under the responsibility of the foundation's managing director Meike-Marie Thiele (meike-marie.thiele@exilmuseum.berlin).

What data do we collect?
We only ask for the personal data necessary to enables personalisation and the dispatch of the newsletter, i.e. first name, surname and e-mail address.

Who has access to your data?
A limited number of employees of the Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin has access to your personal data. We do not pass on any personal data to third parties.

How is your data stored?
Your personal data is stored on our computers and managed via the e-mail marketing service Mailchimp®.

How long do we keep your data?
If you unsubscribe from our newsletter, your personal data will remain stored in our databases for another six months so we can correct possible errors. After this period all data that can be assigned to you will be deleted. Data that serve statistical purposes will continue to be stored.

Should you wish the immediate deletion of all your personal data, please contact our data protection officer Meike-Marie Thiele (meike-marie.thiele@exilmuseum.berlin).