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Photo Competition: #myExileMuseum

A workshop and photo competition for young people who had to flee their home country

Montag, 18. November 2024, 19 Uhr

100 Jahre Klaus Mann in Berlin

Buchpremiere von "Klaus Mann – Berlin war meine Stadt!“ Eine Veranstaltung der Klaus Mann Initiative Berlin e.V.

Thursday, November 14, 2024, 7 pm

News from Exile

Writing on Art and Exile from the Archives of the Akademie der Künste 1933–1945

Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 7 pm

Literatures in Exile

Reading and Panel Discussion with exiled authors Najat Abed Alsamad and Taqi Akhlaqi

Donnerstag, 7. November 2024, 19 Uhr

Lesung des P.E.N.-Clubs Liechtenstein

Thursday, October 17, 2024, 7:30 pm

Berlin – Portbou. In the footsteps of Walter Benjamin

Documentary film screening and discussion

Friday, September 20, 2024

International Children's Day

As a part of the 'Children in Exile' exhibition program: workshops, tours for families and more!

6. September 2024

Eröffnungsrede von Anh-Linh Ngo

Bei der Eröffnung der Ausstellung "Kinder im Exil" hielt der Vizepräsident der Akademie der Künde, Anh-Linh Ngo, eine bewegende Rede.

Friday, September 6, 2024, 7 pm

Opening: Children in Exile

We are pleased to invite you to the opening of the exhibition “Children in Exile”!

Coming up: Sept 6 –Nov 1, 2024

Exhibition: Children in Exile

Children of artists and intellectuals in exile 1933–1945. An exhibition in cooperation with Akademie der Künste, Berlin

Application until August 15, 2024

Exile Visual Arts Award

The Exile Visual Arts Award honours works by artists with exile experience that visualise essential questions such as identity, belonging or foreignness.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 8 pm

The worlds of Hugo Simo

Banker, social democrat and pacifist - Hugo Simon was a man of many facets. The lecture is part of the series "Rediscovered. The fate of private collections in Germany after 1933"

Thursday, June 6, 2024, 7 pm

Hans Keilson – Always a New Life

Book presentation and talk on the eventful life story of psychoanalyst Hans Keilson, with author Jos Versteegen and literary scholar Marita Keilson-Lauritz

Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 7 pm

„Just ask!“ – Learning from the Past for the Future

The German Exile Archive 1933-1945 of the German National Library and the Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin invite you to try out the digital interactive interview format.

May 17–23, 2024

Exile Promenade

The performative audio walk leads to places of historical and current exile in Berlin, which interweave with the exile biographies of the three protagonists as well as with different eras of migration.

Thursday, April 25, 2024, 7 pm

Narrating Exile: Volha Hapeyeva

Volha Hapeyeva is one of Belarus’ most famous poets. Discussion and reading from her recent volume of poetry Trapezherz

Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 6–10 pm

Exiled Writing – Writing Exile: Literature between Escape and Attachment

Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) Literary Salon on exiled writing with one of today's most insightful and young literary voices: Senthuran Varatharajah

Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 7 pm

"Nothing but Culture”: The Pringsheim Family and Its Collections after 1933

Lecture about the unique collections of the Pringsheim Family - as part of the lecture series “Wiedergefunden. Privatsammlungen in Deutschland nach 1933”

German Theatrical Release on March 28, 2024

Free Ticket Lottery Marking the Theatrical Release of One Life

Lottery for 3 x 2 free tickets for the German theatrical release of One Life – a film that takes up a central topic of exile: the Kindertransporte.

Thursday, March 7, 2024, 7 pm

It Must Schwing: The Blue Note Story

Documentary about the emigrants Alfred Lion and Frank Wolff, who founded the legendary jazz label Blue Note in New York. The screening will be followed by a discussion with the director Eric Friedler

From March 1 to June 2, 2024

Exile Exhibition at Haus Kunst Mitte

In the exhibition “RUPTURES: Artists in Berlin Exile” at Haus Kunst Mitte, Stiftung Exilmuseum was invited to design a room. In this space, we illuminate the subject of “waiting” on the way into exile and in exile.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Portraits of Exiles: A Donation from Peter Stein

Filmmaker Peter Stein, who was a guest at Werkstatt Exilmuseum in December, has now made a highly generous donation to Stiftung Exilmuseum: eleven of the most famous portrait photographs taken by his father Fred Stein, including photographs of Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, Bertolt Brecht, and Thomas Mann.

Thursday, February 15, 2024, 7 pm

Farkhondeh Shahroudi: Exile from Iran

Performance of the artist Farkondeh Shahroudi and podium discussion on the situation in Iran

Thursday, December 14, 2023, 7 pm

Out of Exile: The Photography of Fred Stein

Screening of the prize-winning documentary and subsequent discussion with the director and son of the photographer

Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 5 pm

85 Years since the Kindertransporte

Commemoration of the Kindertransporte from Germany to the UK in 1938/39

Starting November 9, 2023

Sky is no one's ground

Exhibition of Iranian artist Farkhondeh Shahroudi who received the Exile Visual Arts Award 2023

Thursday, October 26, 2023, 7 pm

Dispersed into Exile: The Lost "Mosseum"

The art collection Rudolf and Emilie Mosse was auctioned off under Nazi pressure in 1934. The traces of several works lead to the United States, Israel, and to Berlin’s Museum Island ...

October 2023

Interview with André Schmitz

Video of the chairman of the board of Stiftung Exilmuseum André Schmitz who talks about the idea behind Exilmuseum

October 9, 2023

The Finale of the Days of Exile

The climactic conclusion of the first Berlin “Days of Exile” was a symphony concert at Deutsche Oper Berlin. REad the opening address by our patron, former German president Joachim Gauck.

Montag, 09. Oktober 2023, 19 Uhr

Benefizkonzert zugunsten des Exilmuseums

Die Deutsche Oper erinnert an ehemalige, ins Exil gezwungene Mitarbeiter - und beim Ticketkauf können Sie für das Exilmuseum spenden.

Thursdays from September 14–October 5, 2023

Tour of Werkstatt Exilmuseum

Throughout the Days of Exile we offer once the week participatory conversational tour of Werkstatt Exilmuseum.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 7 pm

Beyond Borders: A Conversation on Art and Exile

Discussion with journalist Yasmin Merei and poet Ghayath Almadhoun

September 15–24, 2023

Audio installation: Der Reisende (The Passenger)

An immersive audio installation based on the novel by Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz – with the voices of Samuel Finzi, Bjarne Mädel, Maja Schöne, and Bernhard Schütz!

September 8–October 9, 2023

Days of Exile 2023

For the first time, the Days of Exile will take place in Berlin: 4 weeks, 50 events on the topic of exile throughout the city.

September 8, 2023

Exile Visual Arts Award for Farkondeh Shahroudi

Iranian artist Farkondeh Shahroudi receives the Exile Visual Arts Award 2023, which is worth 10,000 euros.

08. September 2023

Rede zum Exil von Herta Müller

Herta Müller eröffnete die Tage des Exils in Berlin mit der "Rede zum Exil". Hier finden Sie den kompletten Text zum Nachlesen.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Days of Exile: Opening

The Days of Exile are coming to Berlin! The opening event is a Long Night of Exile at the Akademie der Künste.

Saturday, August 26, 2023, 6pm–2am

Long Night of Museums

We are taking part in the Long Night of Museums for the first time - and have prepared a special program with lots of music!

July 19, 2023

New Executive Board

Reorganization of the executive board of Stiftung Exilmuseum

Friday, July 21, 2023, 4 pm

Informationsturm am Anhalter Bahnhof

A six-meter-high information tower at Anhalter Bahnhof bring attention to the project in planning for the site.

Thursday, July 6 2023, 7 pm

Concert Performance

Ukrainian musician Iryna lazer aka Mavka engages with the war in her home country.

Sunday, July 2, 2023, 11 am

Jonas Reise - Reading and Hands-On Tour

Book presentation of Peter von Becker's novel at Literaturhaus Berlin, followed by a hands-on tour for children and adults at Werkstatt Exilmuseum.

Friday, June 30, 2023, 5 / 6 pm

Summer Fest at Li-Be: Exile Literature

The friends' association of Literaturhaus Berlin invites you to this year’s summer fest – and we also open our doors.

Monday, June 19, 2023, 7 pm

Olga Grjasnowa: Narrating Exile

Writer Olga Grjasnowa discusses subjects such as the meaning of background, arrival in a new society, and what it means to speak several languages.

Application until June 19, 2023

Exile Visual Arts Award

The Exile Visual Arts Award honours works by artists who visualise essential questions in exile such as identity, belonging or foreignness.

June 9, 2023, 7 pm

The Train Station as a Place of Flight and Exile

Reading, conversation, app presentation
in cooperation with Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin and Museum Friedland

May 2023

Anhalter Bahnhof Revisited

Berlin's Anhalter Bahnhof is being brought back to life! Discover the architecture and stories of the nearly vanished building with an immersive 360-degree tour.

May 17, 2023, 7 pm

I Never Said Goodbye: Women in Exile

Photographer Heike Steinweg will be organizing this evening’s event with the help of the women she portrayed who live in Berlin in exile.

May 12, 2023, 7 pm

Hannah Arendt and Heinrich Blücher. Biography of a Couple

Reading and discussion to mark the book’s publication with author Barbara von Bechtolsheim and Thomas Sparr, Suhrkamp-Verlag

Watch video

From Werkstatt to Exilmuseum: Background, Insights, and a Look Forward

Video of the opening event for Werkstatt Exilmuseum

May 6, 2023, 3 pm

"The Body Is HERE, but the Heart Is THERE"

Dance workshop dealing with motifs of departure, transit and arrival

21. April 2023

Vortrag von Aleida Assmann

Lesen Sie den Vortrag von Aleida Assmann zur Veranstaltung "Kein Land, nirgends?"

April 21, 2023, 7 pm

No Country, Nowhere?

Book presentation and conversation with Aleida Assmann, Sajjad Jahan Fard, and Harald Roth

28. März 2023

Schreiben von Staatsministerin Claudia Roth

Die Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien Claudia Roth spricht sich für die Bestrebungen des Exilmuseums aus.

March 25-26, 2023

Opening of Werkstatt Exilmuseum

On our big opening weekend, you can expect a rich program with guests such as Burghart Klaußner, Ilija Trojanow, and Pavlo Arie. Come and celebrate with us!

January 26, 2023

Archives Seminar: Resistance from Exile

Students of the TU Berlin worked with archival materials of Exilmuseum.

January 18, 2023

We have moved

We have moved to our new location at Berlin's Fasanenstraße.

January 11, 2023

Christoph Stölzl is mourned

We were very sad to learn of the sudden death of our founding director Prof. Dr. Christoph Stölzl.

December 21, 2022

Leasehold Contract

A huge step towards the Exilmuseum: After long negotiations, the leasehold contract for the property at Anhalter Bahnhof was notarized.

November 11, 2022

zdf aspekte about Exile

Freedom gained - home lost. A feature about life in exile. Presenter Katty Salié met Herta Müller at the Werkstatt Exilmuseum.

October 14, 2022

Watch Podium Discussion

"Auf dem Weg zum Exilmuseum – Flucht und Exil damals und heute"
A talk with Herta Müller, Bjeen Alhassan and Christoph Stölzl

October 15, 2022

Open House: Werkstatt Exilmuseum

A milestone to be celebrated: The foundation is moving and invites to a very special event in the yet unrenovated house.

Summer 2022

The Landshoff Donation

An important new addition to Exilmuseum’s library.

July 9 – August 17, 2022

Exhibition: PLACE

An architectural exhibition on the designs of Dorte Mandrup – in collaboration with Exilmuseum.

June 8 – July 7, 2022

Public Participation

The plans for the museum at Anhalter Bahnhof can be commented.

March 2, 2022

Max Reinhardt – Berlin and Exile

Cornelia Vossen is a guest speaker at an event in the framework of the exhibition "Berlin Global".

Virtual Reality

ZU/FLUCHT virtually

The exhibition ZU/FLUCHT lives on!

September 18, 2021

Exile Then – Exile Now

Now online: video recording of the panel discussion at Anhalter Bahnhof

At Anhalter Bahnhof

Beneath the Surface

Diggers arrived at Anhalter Bahnhof ready to explore the grounds.

The Journey Continues

Exhibition Dismantled

After five months of exhibition, the former housing containers find a new home.

Only until October 31, 2021

Exhibition ZU/FLUCHT

In just a few days our open-air exhibition "ZU/FLUCHT" at Anhalter Bahnhof Berlin will come to an end.

September 18, 2021

COME TOGETHER – Exile, Museum, Music

One day packed with events!

September 17, 2021

Afghanistan – Thoughts from Exile

A reading with author Massum Faryar

September 5, 2021


A sunday at Anhalter Bahnhof - with a variety of activities

September 3, 2021

Transnational Memory in Digital Space

En event by the NS-Dokumentationszentrum Munich with curator Cornelia Vossen

Iconic Awards 2021

Architect of the Year

Dorte Mandrup is Architect of the Year

August 12 and 26, 2021

My Story – my Museum

My Story – my Museum: Workshop for people in exile

August 11, 2021

Short Film: 13 Square Meters

A short documentary about Berlin's shelters for refugees

July 24, 2021

Museumhood / Urban Gardening

The Exilmuseum would like to get to know its new neighbors. Gardening together is a good way to start.

June 26, 2021

Workshop: Furniture Building

Anyone who enjoys working with their hands or is willing to learn is invited.

June 12, 2021

Exhibition Opening: ZU/FLUCHT

A collaborative Exilmuseum exhibition on
flight and exile, in the past and today

April 23, 2021

Visit by Berlin's mayor

Berlin's mayor Michael Müller, learned about the planning of the Exilmuseum.


Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung

Funding for our planned exhibition project

Summer 2021

berlinHistory App

Anhalter Bahnhof and Exilmuseum are now included in the berlinHistory app

Driven x Design Award Programs

Berlin Design Awards 2021

Honors for Dorte Mandrup's architectural design for the Exilmuseum

"Tempohome" Exilmuseum 2020/21

Student Seminar

Collaboration with TU Berlin for an exhibition project at Anhalter Bahnhof

December 8, 2020

Insiders/Outsiders Festival

Lecture and discussion on the Exilmuseum

Sept 29 – Oct 17, 2020

Exhibition of Designs

Exhibition of all designs submitted at the architectural competition for the Exilmuseum building

September 15, 2020


Founding director Christoph Stölzl was awarded the Great Federal Commander’s Cross of Merit

The Architectural Competition 2020

Announcing the Winner

Danish architect Dorte Mandrup wins first prize in the design competition for the new Exilmuseum building.

August 13, 2020

Competition Jury

Decision day!


Interview about the Exilmuseum

Interview with Meike-Marie Thiele on the Blog "Entwicklungsstadt Berlin"

February 2020

Interim Presentation

Interim presentation in the architectural competition for the Exilmuseum.

Birthday of Joachim Gauck 2020

Donations to the Exilmuseum

A great present for the Exilmuseum

November 18, 2019

At the Federal Foreign Office

Presentation for ambassadors from all over the world

September 2019

Claus-Dieter Krohn is mourned

Stiftung Exilmuseum mourns the passing of its advisor, exile researcher Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Krohn.

May 12, 2019

Background Report

Detailed background report on the Exilmuseum in the "Tagesspiegel"

Design seminar 2018/19

A visit by HTW

How to develop the corporate design for a new museum?

Joachim Gauck

Patron of the Exilmuseum

former German President Joachim Gauck supports our project by becoming a patron alongside Nobel Prize laureate Herta Müller.

Oktober 29, 2018

Record proceeds for the Exilmuseum

At the auction of Bernd Schultz's private art collection, a sensational 6 million Euro were raised.

Oktober 17, 2018

Days of Exile

Making exile comprehensible: Herta Müller and Christoph Stölzl were guests at the Hamburg Days of Exile.

The first interview for the museum (2018)

Georg Stefan Troller

The first interview for the Exilmuseum with none other than journalist Georg Stefan Troller

Oktober 25/26, 2018

Auctions to benefit the Exilmuseum

Art auction of the Bernd Schultz collection

September 14, 2018

Archives and Museums of Exile

Visiting the annual conference of the Society for Exile Research

Summer 2018

Exilmuseum in the Press

Media coverage takes off

Issue 1/2018


Our article about the Exilmuseum in the Museum Journal

End of 2017

Our Team is Complete

Work has started!